my 387 fans and good friends, hello!
2022 arrived, we all celebrated about it, and as march marched on, we've reached april in good spirits(?).
with that being said, things have been quiet in the western front, apart from one exciting event:
the Shades Gang is back!
and after a while, the Shades Gang got a collection page, guys: (thanks to the help of hamburger shades)
One might ask: what is the Shades Gang?
Well, its an old flash group that was founded on 2007 by a user named ''LampShades'', and it got really big and active from that point on.
The group had its ups and downs, periods of high activity and of stagnation, and a bunch of revivals on its long path.
We have celebrated our 10th anniversary in the 28th of september 2017 (which is the official Shades Day, BTW), and we kept on staying cool and making movies with our friends.
Do you like what we did/do, or our style?
Then join us!
our forums are located on:
while our SG discord chat is on:
So join us in on the fun, and watch as we will keep on making cool SG movies and SG collabs in here!
The Shades Gang is back, baby! B)
Put your Shades on.
Here's our latest SG movie, named SG letter, by the talented hamburger shades!
In other news, be sure to watch the latest collab of the star syndicate too, dedicated to lauch's birthday:
And thats all for now, i will work on more CC/LL/SG related things, and we shall see how it goes...
until then, have a nice day!
clcok dei