nice work, good visuals, and i like the humour in this.
tho this teaser is a tad too short. :P
good work tho!
nice work, good visuals, and i like the humour in this.
tho this teaser is a tad too short. :P
good work tho!
excellent battle, and AMAZING visuals, did you draw the characters with a tablet?
great job!
some scenes were kinda choppy, but other than that, you had good stuff to show.
keep it up!
thank you cris for your feetback i draw it with the mouse
in the future i am going to buy me a tablet
nice ''teaser''....
too bad it wasnt real.
either way, you did great work on recreating a game, and making ''almost believable'' the game concept, and the fighting scenes.
nice drawings of the characters, and good work on recreating many, MANY different styles.
great job sir.
tho, one day, someone will BE inspired by your vid, and he/she will create the game, for real!
and when it will happen, dont look dissapointed.
it will be hillarious.
10/10 for this good vid.
excellent work, i loved the animation, and the face expressions. GREAT expressions here....
also the story was funny, yet very short.
you do good stuff, do more flash, and make the next one longer!
nice work, pretty fun to watch, and very solid collaboration.
it was a short collab, but very cool, and neatly organized. good stuff.
i also liked dad's appearance.
hmm, have a happy pico day.
nice.... i loved how simply this movie started, and how it got crazier and crazier by every second!
then from crazy it got to wild, and from wild it got to SEXY! nice ladies actions, and sure as heck casandra has a nice pair!
excellent face expressions too, i liked cassandra's sassy expression and attitude, i liked nene's shy and hold-back expressions, and pico's ''OMG IS THIS HAPPENIN' ??'' expressions were PERFECT and priceless.
also the ending was a bit of a downer, but what can i say, it was a funny flash with epic, fluid animation, and tons of details.
you worth a 10/10.
keep it up, and do more, you have skills, man! (and epic humour, lol!)
this was awesome!
the general idea, the voices,a nd the crazy faces were priceless.....
do more things like this!
This style takes a lot of time. But I do have another roto style cartoon I've been working on for a long time. Someday it'll be released.
nice movie, i enjoyed it alot, despite the dark follow-up....
nice gloomy designs, clever use of the black-and -white, and a twisted sense of humour, but i liked this alot.
also the floating three-eyed skull was a pretty interesting character, keep it up!
nice work, GREAT drawings, smooth animation, and good voice-actin', be sure to do more things like this, my good man!
Cheers, im glad you liked it! Its definitely my favourite short from this year.
well, hello, im chris the stick, i make random, funny movies, i draw comics, and also i voice act. AKA=BB10-clock.
Age 35, Male
Joined on 10/27/06