well, many idiots reviewd this
and i persist on that! just look at the reviews!
the one is more idiotic than the other. anyway, i must add, this was a great cartoon, and portrayed greatly what ng is going on, right now. perhaps the one who got it best, was the guy who made kirbopher say ''i will not do any movie'' and then ''i will do one lastttt'' and stuff. (i pressume he is the man who did indiana jodes, a funny movies..) also, whoever did the ''rina meets brawl boys'' will get fame. (if you get what i ment) and yes, the part was great (and i dont mean the boobies onleh ;)
ANYWAY i also liked the hot air ballon one, with egoraptor. quite fun.
yet, egoraptor isnt responcible for this... its the ones who copied him.