cool flash, pretty nice humour
cool flash, pretty nice humour
a good movie
its good. very nice, hillarious jokes
i dont like war. but i like waffle pie. so, your ok
its a pile of pancakes |:1
quite fun?
yes. i liekd it, wit ha good mix of action and humour. i liked how he heciatted to kill ass face person, in faer taht he might get stained.. haha? a good part. also the guy who shot him had a ''kill that man'' sign. lol, crazy, but fun
quite good
i liked how you said ''you do quests, taht dont help your character.'' and mostly its ''free!'' FREE! free!... great movie
quite fun.
well asshat is on a roll!
AssHat is not on a roll. He is on Shades Island. GOD! SUCH INCOMPETENCE! GAAAHAHJKASFH JKASR
So how was your day?
funny voice, and graphics
amazing. flas
i mean, what a great flash! after a long braek... you acme back.. with this! graet cartoon! loved the dialogue, and the characters. like the crazy bad sniper, the badass that says hes gonna hit some targets, the other guy who swears and hits on the girls ''special equipments'' ;) the captain, who demended pics from her skirt, haha.. the guy who said ''lets kick ass'' the sniper who was REALLY scared... and the really fun crazy dude who said the ''shoot'', stuff. also, i like steve. ending was hilalrious GOOD
quite fun
the whole thing was cool, i liked alot the ending part, where the surprise was on... haha
maybe you could do a movie/ game about the adventures of those who survived... :)
well, hello, im chris the stick, i make random, funny movies, i draw comics, and also i voice act. AKA=BB10-clock.
Age 35, Male
Joined on 10/27/06