very good.
i liked that
very good.
i liked that
pretty good, and funny, liek the part he hits on the woman
well, man that
well, i can tell that this is very good! very good.
very good.
thsi w3as very funny, i cant describe that. i mean one of the best parts is where kirby well, accidentally hit jonnie s b**s, and then, where he hits luke, while darth vader says ''im yo father'' i also liked the end, very fun. good movie
very good, flash?
i must tell, it aws fun, and cool. even if it was simple. where it was from, man?
well, pal.
oh, man, i remember taht this was out, and submited when i viewed it back at the time. it was so good, and i still ike it, and think its good. still, it needs to continue.
very fun! i liked that. i liked the condutcor one, where he did the cool track, and suddenly it pops up in the guitarist to make an ALSO good track, but unrealated to the song. it was cool, how he was ''chrping'' after the... show. also, i liked the secong one, very fun, and i quite can say, that it was.. very cool, and i liked the duck you putted in that (duck flas)
i can say it was fun, yet not very good. still, you could use the <<distraction>> and then, trow, a ball or something to his <<balls>> ,instead of shooting a gun. that would be fun. also, to make him chase greenmaple clock pal. poor guy... he got hit in the <<balls>>
you are curently aware that he gets hit in the balls with a weed whacker right?
I thought i made that clear
pretty cool.
well, i must say i liked this. yet it needs to be longer. make more stories, and bigger. also, add more plot and fun parts. anyway, its nic
Chris, man, it's a short...key word there, short
admitidly a lot shorter than most shorts, but a short none the less.
The whole idea is to get to the punchline as quickly as possible.
And quite frankly, i think i do that well.
but thanks anyways superfan
well, hello, im chris the stick, i make random, funny movies, i draw comics, and also i voice act. AKA=BB10-clock.
Age 35, Male
Joined on 10/27/06