a amazing movie.
it speaks from the feelings of the people, and its great, its an unimaginable tell to try and guess how and what someone could feel by watching this movie, right now. it tells a story from the inside of a man, fro mhis personal view. its a personal story, out of the heart, and it is very emotional, and quite sad. but this makes us see that even if we can have some bad things in our live, we can always try to dissolve them, through some things, some amazing things, like music..... that can speak the unspeakable, and tell the uncomment. it was a graet movie, and i liked how it showed that he tried and destroyed his pain, befoer it destroyed his own heart, and tried to heal others with the music the whole graet way of speaking, inside our hearts. because no matter how different we are we all have, hearts. this movie is amazing. it beyond the whole telling thing. its unspeakable, and top of the