really creepy.....
really creepy.....
Thanks, IT was made to be creepy!
it was really good.
it had really good graphics, and you could feel the movement.however, make the credits shorter.....yeah.
You don't have to watch the credits if you don't want to...
it was really good....
it was really good.... but, the scenario wasnt.i mean, dragon ball z powerballs and halo swords? i mean, come on, do something more creative and fun, because you can draw really well, dont waste that talent.....yeah, like.so.and it was nice i guess.
it was good, but i think you should add some expressions to the characters when they get shot, hit, sworded, hitted.etc. i mean they were emotionsless, like they were bored lol.however, you should make and a different face for pac man, since he is the protagonist.and you should make the movie longer.however its good.
it was really good..........
it was really good.... you shouldnt quit on stick animations.i especially liked the victory dance he did, yeah......so.
it was really cool.....
it was a really cool movie, and i especially liked the scene with the medals in legendaryfrogs part,and i really liked the indiana jones referance, by superflash bros.overall, i think i liked all the scenes, even if im not a fan of halo (very,very important) .so, however ,how did you found a guy with a voice excactly like masterchiefs? i mean, its cool, whatever, i would like to know who did the voices for masterchief, because he sounded cool.
well, it was good...BUT
before one month, i had the same experience. view pootytang adventures 005 or something similar in the title.then check the reviews.if you see one with my name, you will see i did constructive criticism, but he insulted me.in the start, i got mad but after a few minutes i got it that he does it to EVERY user.who answers in the reviews of these movies.so, all i have to say, is dont put up with this situation.he just likes attention.however, its a good flash, despite the quality even if you intended on making it like this.however, the sound was a little bit fuzzed, and i couldnt hear well, but however, good flash.my advice is to try more with your flash.
Holy well written review Batman, I think you're on to something.
Thats exactly why I got mad too, and usually I'm the type to walk away from something this stupid, but its the lack of effort on part of the THREE authors that really stuck in. I mean... it took THREE people to make that film?
Even if i intended to make the quality kinda crappy, not everyone has to like it, and i get that, so its cool to say so.
The sound is fuzzed to cut the filesize down. I didnt see an option to use 24kbs quality mono sound, so had to use 16. 32 would have doubled the filesize almost, and i think thats more important.
I intend to try much harder on my next project, if I ever finish another one. Thanks for watching though!
it was good...
but very shoooort.do it longer.
it was good, i guess........
it was good.and respect the janitors!!!!!! yeah.....
well, hello, im chris the stick, i make random, funny movies, i draw comics, and also i voice act. AKA=BB10-clock.
Age 35, Male
Joined on 10/27/06