wow, what a great movie!
i was expecting a simple date-movie, but oh how wrong i was!
this movie was beautifully drawn, with AMAZING drawings of both the humans, and of the animals, while the animation was fast, fluid, and very pretty to watch.
this felt like a proffesional cartoon, and it reminded me in a point some disney cartoons (the animals, and the hero, kinda reminded me of kuzco, from ''the emperor's new groove'' movie.
(especially when your hero got into ''epic mode'' to be ready for his date in 10 minutes.)
i loved the ''epic mode'' of the hero very much, and his face expressions as he was falling in love with the girls, and i also liked his face expressions when he was ignoring the animals.
as for the message, it was great! never ignore the animals/the enviroment/the world, or the world will eventually die.
we must protect our enviroment. always.
i also liked that this movie was so well animated/drawn, that it wasn't hard for me to understand its story/meaning, and it was really, really beautiful.(i mean, it was in spanish, but i got the message!)
i also liked the references to HE-man, and the final scene in the credits, where the guy saved the enviroment, and his hot date girl is angry and waiting for him... very funny.
you sir, are a proffesional animator. and i suggest to you to work in animation studios proffesionally, if you dont work in there already. you are a very good artist.
do more, you rock!