ok good, but why would someone release a poop badger at me?
i dont even look like honey!
good stuff
ok good, but why would someone release a poop badger at me?
i dont even look like honey!
good stuff
it was funny...
i liked the part where miraclefruit got all evil and started getting all in dictator-mode...
and the part where people debated with bb10, lol...
good work, do more!
a great clock-movie, inspired by the biggest crap in film ever.
koyaaakehkrkjerhj3 is a horrible movie.
your movie tho, is a great parody of that. and 2 hours shorter.
so you win the internets!
good movie my good phantomcat, and a great parody of a horrible movie.
you keep up the good work man!
You remind me of myself. I believe that the Seinfeld themesong is more historically significant than Like a Rolling Stone.
I am wrong.
lol, crazy stuff, pretty funny story and cool face expressions...
good stuff.
i have read the book-i mean the comic, and it was awesome!
this was even more awesome!
great drawings, great face expressions, and it had lots of RAAAGE-OHOL!!!!!
nice work!
it was epic, and all the voice acting/singing was truly epic!
i loved the part in the end, when he(ragemellon) said that ''there was no other way'', and the cop says: ''but we could-'' and he replies: ''NO OTHER WAY!!!'' very funny).
i would love to see this turn into a series, it would get a huge and growing fanbase, and a wide audience in general.
i love it.
plz do more, you have mad skills
ah, i see, today the snake duke has conquered australia.
but will his conquest stop in there?!
i hope that yes, or else i will summon my trusty deer-minister to strike it down.
or my helpful owl-mayor.
anything that helps!
good work sir, you did great once again. everything was hillarious and funny!
the music and the random colours kinda reminded me of pokemon, was that intentional?
good work again! do more
ok, good attempt on celebrating B.
this also had an epic blue B -white B flashing and changing parts, so i will give you some ++ points for original thinking in here.
despite the spammy nature of it, its a good spammy movie, and well done.
plus, its your first movie, so i will be more generous with the stars than in other cases...
ok work.
well, hello, im chris the stick, i make random, funny movies, i draw comics, and also i voice act. AKA=BB10-clock.
Age 35, Male
Joined on 10/27/06