epic, work. GREAT STUFF!234
great job, and you have improved GREATLY (if tht wus possible)
since your last movie z.
very good beggning, with agony and fear for the hero and for the innocent by-stander's, and i liked the climax before the large battle would happen. (of the hero VS the dark-monster, in the first battle, i mean.) fuf
also, i thoroughly enjoyed the moment the two-survivor's-by-stander's started talking and survived, strangelly, (or NOT, hehe) the one look'd like ash from pokemon's, and tha othr dude, looke''d like he was the dude fr dr. oak (again, from pokemon).pretty fun idea/combination!
AH! the climax of the battle was great, and the fight of ''rock-people'' vs the dark-monster's dude's, was great.
also, i liked the climax between the hero (david) and the villain, ganondorph, and the final cliff-hangers. (they wher MANY!!!1)
anyway, overall, great work, great graphics, neat visuals, EPIC jokez, (my favorite part, even in serious parts, sometimes, a joke would arrise, and that's epic, IMHO'!! U ROCK!)
also: i liked the voice-acting. love this.
if you want more ppl, ask away. i could help. (if im decent!)
anyway, this is a great movie, even if you don't like/know the zelda gamez.