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pretty good and informational guide about hydrogen.
i really liked the 5 fun facts structure and the stickman scene with the hydrogen balloon+the lighter, it was clever!

i personally liked it, and it was quite fresh and enjoyable. (and educational as well)

good work!

hasanfarhan33 responds:

Thank you. I will try to make my animations longer

wow, once again, this was one AWESOME movie!
it had great visuals, nice drawings of the characters faces (kevin, his mom, mr rimmer, and the strange tree-guy), their face expressions were great, and the humour in it was both strange and awesome... at the same time!

this was a really funny movie, and i loved the part where the strange-tree-guy popped up in order to warn kevin of those mask dangers...

man, that was very cool & funny! XD

one question though: what was the tree-man saying? was it something like:
''i wanna see you be broy-eye''?

because that's what i heard, and i replayed the movie a couple of times.
however, i loved the instrumental part of the ''i wanna see you be broy-eye'', it was excellent and unexpected.

cool movie, with great visuals, and wild humour.
keep up the good work, sir!

wow! cool, swift 2-D/3-D animation, with a nice combination of real video/real recording/stop-motion, and 2-D stick animations!
amazing! how did you added a video footage into a flash movie? (i want to do that as well, in a short movie)

also, the stick figure battle was epic,fast-paced, and interesting.
as for the story/the ending... i did NOT see that coming! :D
it was quite surprising, fresh, and cool.

very good movie, keep up the good work, and do more stuff like this!

MarksMedia responds:

wow thanks so much! I posted this on youtube and it only got 15 views and no likes so I was beginning to doubt my self.. all of the animation was done in after effects using the puppet tool but im sure you could achieve a similar style with real footage using flash if you imported your flash animation into after effects?

wow! what a great 3-D animation!
all of the characters were INCREDIBLY detailed, (from their clothes/the texture of their clothes/of their skin, to their eyes, to their hair, to their teeth... everything was detailed on them), the main characters were really cool, and the whole story was both interesting, with action, AND funny.
i liked the guy with the straw hat( was this a reference to the ''one piece'' manga?), and his peruvian guide with the smartphone, and i laughed alot when i saw that, while the straw hat man was exploring the inner rooms of the temple, the peruvian guide was looking for a date on his smartphone! and the ''dating'' photos were hillarious! XD
as for the ending, it was amazing, and very very awesome.

excellent work on everything, from the texture of the hat, to the details in the characters eyes/in the lighting/shading effects(which are HARD to achieve on 3-D objects+in 3-D animation in general), in the character's face expressions... everything was awesome, while the whole animation was quick, flawless, and very enjoyable.

a perfect 3-D movie/animation.
you should do this professionaly. (if you're not doing this already, in a studio)

keep up the great work, you rock!

ludokiro responds:

Thanks man.

yes this is a reference to one piece we were 3 on this project and each one of us love this manga.

this was VERY nicely animated, and its a clever visualization of ''music out of guns''
(it truly is an impressive visualization of the perfectly orchestrated ''gun song'' by RefaelBA...)

your movie is GOOD, and its nicely animated.
you've drawn perfect, accurate weapons, with good details, excellent linework, and with a good shading effect on them.
the gun-shots/the 'opposing sides of the shots' effect were clever details, and you've made it look like this whole gun-music is a part of a large war/of a conflict.
that was really cool.

the whole movie was nicely organised, and the final result was awesome.

however, i should mention that the music was originally created by RefaelBA (named ''DJ Bar.- The CS instrumental''), and that the first movie ever to feature this song, was StealthBeast's, (now) classic movie, ''Sounds of CS''. (created in feb. 2006)

ofcourse, the song itself was created on 2002 by the user ''RefaelBA'', who later created an official NG account in early 2007.
(StealthBeast found this song online by accident, and he decided to animate a flash movie in honour of this great gun-song....)
...and he later discovered who created this song, and the 2 artists became friends.
go figure.

this song has alot of history in it...

anyways, you did a cool movie, and it was quite interesting.
keep up the good work.

Dovji responds:

I have credited the original authors.
Thx for letting me know.


this was hillarious! amazingly funny!

seriously, when i first watched this movie 1 week ago, i was laughing for 10 minutes straight...

i LOVE that all the characters are very detailed, and i love how detailed, creepy and funny their faces+the various face expressions of the characters are drawn in your movies.... (in all of your movies)

i really liked the random face expressions of yugi-oh, (satellite dish, or, when he's pouting, the ''bring it!'' face expression, his ''awkward'' expressions, his scared face expression, and his ''creepy'' face expression in the end, when he finally defeates mr kaiba.
what a clever tactic, yugi!! :D

i also liked the ''battle ox'' scene, the ''ENRAGED battle ox'' scene, the ''the scream'' face expression of yugi, when he saw the ''enraged battle ox'' in the card field, and my FAVORITE scene was, when yugi-oh summoned ''exodia''. it was soo funny, LOL!

''hello i-i-i- ammmm exodia, i am-m-m-m g-g-g-going 2 destroy u.''
it was funny that he arranged the cards in a wrong order, hahahaha!
what a grotesque result! :D
i loved exodia's resigned/tired face expression, as he lagged into infinity and he exploded in exactly 354 pieces, thus leaving yugi with no choice, but to use his special attack on kaiba.

also, many good details were things such as: the face-down card trick, where yugi-oh used his suspended driver's license for this... (LOL, hillarious! his anxious face expression, and the ''BORN: YES'' parts were great in this scene...

i also liked the card's humour:
the card of the ''mystical orthodontist with v. cool hat'' (and how he wished to die), and the cards of ''sexy card that HAD to be censored'', the ''knightbringer's protection'', the ''big sh*t'' card(i noticed it!), the ''uncle greg's hypnotic dance'' card, and the ''trash man troll'' card, while i could also mention the ''big fkn rat'' card, which had the caption ''effects: dirty lookin' (clever! and nicely drawn, once again in a cool, grotesque way)''.

did you draw the card's artworks, as well?
if yes, then its awesome, and you did a great work. (as always)

if not, then its OK, your main character drawings+all of the characters face expressions are SUPERB, so no problem in here, you are absolutely amazing either way...

what can i say? this was perfect. a great, hillarious movie, that i really enjoyed.

awesome movie, keep making cool things like this!!!
you are amazing. 100/100

very nice animation, and with an EVEN greater message:
''SJW's are ANNOYING''.

i mean, seriously, people that have never played videogames in their entire lives, are whining about minor issues, and they inflate those small issues, because they are vain and silly.(are beautiful women in videogames even an ''issue''? i mean my cousin, lucy, and some of my GF's actually like watching sexy girls in videogames, so SJW's arguments are one-sided and stupid...)

but i guess, its like you (cleverly) showed in your movie:
''donate to a worthy cause: IM OFFENDED'' (or should i say, triggered? ;) hehehe)

in the end of the day, all those SJW's ONLY care about e-fame and money.

(i would also say that they ''care'' about their ''fanbase'', but that's ONLY because they want to receive the aforementioned e-fame/attention+money from a large fanbase...
so, its not like they ever cared about their fans... and thats whats the worst: that they dont care about anyone, but only about themselves, for they are selfish hypocrites.)

anyway. lets talk about your movie:
you've created a good animation, with good drawings, nicely drawn chacters, cool face expressions, fluid animation, good voice-acting, excellent lip-syncing... with good points, and with clever humour.

you've managed to create something beautiful, clever and funny, out of all this SJW's/videogames drama. thats a hard thing to achieve... (in such a successful way!)

overall, this was a good movie, with nice visuals, cool voice acting, many clever visual puns, and with a very good message.

keep up the good work!

awesome music, and incredibly detailed visual effects, that matched with the tones of the music.
perfect work, keep it up!

Chrisso responds:

Glad you enjoyed it! We just released the full album, so check out the full music video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63X1PfVQDu0


oh man, that was so clever and funny...

i mean the axis were horrible, and they sucked, but you've managed to create something funny out of the nasty axis-country balls, in your movie!(and thats a very hard thing to achieve, sir!)

i liked how the 3 main powerpuffaxis balls were: (nazi) germany as blossom, (totalitarian) japan as buttercup, and (1940's) italy as bubbles!

also, the villain's names+their puns+their choices were clever as well:
i mean, mojojo jo was israel's countrysquare, and the character of HIM was ''mr soviet union'' countryball, it was quite clever!
as for poor polandball, it suffered from those 2 crazy enemies, the naziball and the commieball, and i was sad to see polandball hurt.

but the 3 PPA's managed to defeat the evil commieball, and it seems that the (evil) day was saved?
good, and funny countryball animation, you should add more countries in this, and it would make for a great series.

i can see the comedic potential in this.

good music, clever scene transitions, clever puns, and cool catchphrases.
nice work!

well, hello, im chris the stick, i make random, funny movies, i draw comics, and also i voice act. AKA=BB10-clock.

Age 35, Male



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