so, as i was browsing NG's newsposts in order to see whats fresh and new on newgrounds...
i saw this awful post on NG:

(and as you can see above, i replied with an appropriate manner to this user's eternal stupidity.)
i mean, yes, newgrounds might seem as if its on a bad state, things look strange, and the future path of NG might seem like a long, difficult road, filled with many obstacles and challenges;
but still, that doesnt mean that NG is a bad site, or that we should give up on newgrounds. ABSOLUTELY NOT.
this is the place of our childhood memories (for the oldest members of the site), and the place of our coolest artistic experiences in flash animation (for (almost) everyone else).
this site here, is the exact same site where we once laughed, cried, thought about contemporary social events, and we felt many emotions. this is the place where we played games, where we talked with friends, where we joined groups, and in general, it has been a great place of friendhip, art, creativity and a great (friendly) community.
so, since newgrounds is all of those things above (and EVEN more), this is WHY i can't stand idiots like @Amaranthus, who whine 24/7 about how ''the site sucks'', and yet they never do something about it.
they just keep on whining and complaining 24/7 about EVERYTHING, and they talk about how they suffer to be the only ''clever'' people in the entire world.
my advice to people like @Amaranthus:
if you dislike something, do something about it, or abandon the place altogether.
you can create art, you can write short (or long) stories, you can animate flash movies, you can create flash games, hell, you can do everything you want; you can materialise everything, and you can create great things that could be remembered by the future viewers of newgrounds, for years to come.
i dont know your ''skills'' man, but stop complaing all the time, and start creating stuff.
its up to you to make newgrounds a better place.
its up to ALL of us.
so, either create something in here, and contribute here in a POSITIVE way, or stop the whining, leave this ''bad site'' and go find new, more exciting activities.
its the best for both parties involved.
PS: i should paraphrase the se7en quote in order to say:
''newgrounds is a wonderful place,
and its worth fighting for.''
i agree with both parts, and i shall do my best for the second part.
PS2: you might wonder why i didnt post my reply at amaranthus newspost.
well, thats because amaranthus blocked me from his page,(because i posted in his page, and i said a star wars joke) and like cowards often do, he called me names, he insulted me (without reason), and he blocked me.
its a shame, because his name, amaranthus, means ''the one who never withered'', aka the plant, the flower that never withered, the plant that has always remained fresh, beautiful and vivid.
its a large irony, to witness a person with such a beautiful (user)name, to have such a dark, pessimistic view about things.
oh well.