epic! grand! funny!
thats how i descibe this movie.
in the start, i thought that this would be ''yet ANOTHER regular show cartoon, with mordeckai, and rigby doing silly stuff'', and i was watching, and i saw that you drew the characters very well, in fact, your wok looked like an ACTUAL ''regular show'' cartoon, it was THAT good.
but what happened next, blew my mind.
i saw beavis and butt head! and they were exactly like the real thing! the animation, the drawings,
and all! even the voices were up to par!
also, i liked the cartoons of (SPOILER ALERT) bugs bunny, daffy duck, cow and chicken, spongebob, and eric, fin and jake, umm, ren and stimpy , and ofcourse, i LOVED it when you did in the end, a cartoon of fred flinstone, and of his friend, barney.
GREAT moment, and great detail. i loved how you drew them, the animation of fred and barney was very similar to the real thing as well, and it had the same feel and quality!
and it was funny too!
a great movie, and with a funny story in it!
you have mad skills my friend, use them well! and do more flash movies like this!
GREAT work! epic!