nice movie, man!
i really liked how you've drawn the characters of strawberry-clock, apple, steak and bb10, while i also liked the whole animation's style, the design of the backgrounds, the movie's good animation speed, and the funny story!
i liked how SBC was trying to get his ice cream back from steak-clock, and when SBC dueled steak-clock, something epic happened! (nice plot twist!)
the whole movie was well-animated, with good music, with lots of humour, cool action scenes and nicely drawn characters.
my only suggestions for your movie would be:
-you could add a preloader, or a play/replay button, instead of having it loop.
loops are not very popular in here.
other than that, you did good.
-you could add some subtitles, if you want: because at some parts, the voices of the clocks were a bit quiet/low.
with that being said though, this was a good movie, and i really enjoyed it.
this was a cool CC flash, so keep up the good work!