now, this game was good.
now, this game was good, but there are some things to improve.first, add some levels.being the same thing got boring after a while.secondly, those were some cool enemies, since the soldiers were ducking if you missed, and that was a great reaction.also, that sergeant guy in the tank, was cool (also, he was carrying a sword!!!!!) however, i think you should make the game in a way to add more and more new enemies, every one, or if you want it to be more challenging, in every five, add more type of enemies.this will add a new spice in your game.third, add a timer, not really neccessary ,since this game was awesome, but i think it would be cool to have a timer showing, in reverse time how much time has left untill the wave of enemies is over.(in each level, right?? eh?) however, i think you should add a health meter for the character sorry for saying this, i know that you have mentioned that in your comments, but i think i would like to resay it , in order to say that is a thing that must be done.also, add a pausing screen, that will appear on the screen ,each time the level ends, asking you if you want to procced in the next level, or if you want to do some upgrades to your character or to the fort, or to thy gun (add an upgrades screen, were you will be buying upgrades by your points.) .add also, a back story, explaining WHO is that main characer, what is he defending, and who he is fighting against with.thats some things for improvement.overall, its a really nice game.bye.