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this is another top-quality collab by the clockcrew.

in it, we witness many cool CC short parts, each being only 10 seconds long, but full of funny scenes, wild jokes, and cool characters.

to begin with, melloyello's part was really funny, with pinaeapple having to watch for SBC's ''dog'', which was just a balloon dog.
grey clock's parts were dark and surreal, and they tapped nicely into the ''bizarre'' field, with them being crazy, but in a good way.
i liked the hidden symbolism in the arm's tattoo, which featured triangle clock, B, Α (alpha), and Ω (omega), along with the words ''sinister''(clock) in it.
the ending of grey's parts was very memorable, to say the least.

also, the other part where radio-clock was talking about the same thing to inkwell-clock non-stop was quite funny and clever, while redbook's parts where amazing, and really funny too.
(from his quest for a PC to how he became SBC's jester, or how he dealt with doggo clock's training).
another fine part is doggo clock's part, which was created by filming a stop-motion animation with actual paper drawings of the clock-protagonists, and it was incredibly well done and funny. i was proud to voice-act for his part.
similarly, phonograph clock's part was also funny with a cool BB10 cameo, although it exaggerated on all of its jokes, LOL!
brazil clock's part moved in the same vein, with the shock factor going high, combined with dirty humour. (still a good part).
the same can be said about phantomcat's clever parody.
whoever did the ''bot clock is lame'' part about bot-clock and iron-clock's adventures was a genius. (it was probably by polyhedron clock?)
and speaking of polyhedron, his other part about the 2 ''10 second collabs'' was really funny, with good visuals and sharp humour.
bolt-clock's part shined a bit of truth on why my collab part was never included in this collab:
because rob clock doesnt like me, and he ignored my collab part, despite the fact that i've submitted it on time in the chat, before the deadline.
thats how rob clock acts, and thats his modus operandi. how... typical of him.

moving on, the part where SBC is flying in space, in order to visit a (space)MC-donald's was very cool, nicely animated and creative, while brazil clock's part with pub#muppet was really funny and cool.

the way the parts where all arranged was cool, the organization and the quality of all the parts was good, and the whole theme of the collab was nice+original.

the only downside of this collab, is that there were not ''title cards'' for each collab part, so, if i didnt knew who did each part beforehand (or if couldnt recognize each part by its animation style), it would be hard for new viewers to recognize who did each part.
i would suggest for you to add title-cards for each collab part, so that we can know who did what.

(also subtitles would be nice for some parts, but thats purely optional).

all in all, it was a good collab, and i really enjoyed it.
keep up the good work, everybody!

k9 responds:

Thanks BB, and thanks for voice acting my bit!

brazilclock responds:

i had to learn english just to tell you that i didn't make the pube puppet part, i made the sbc jumping into space one. no problem.

what a great, action-filled clockcrew movie!
excellent work as always, my good yomuchan!

i liked how the story started with BB10 on his house, getting ready to meet his king, SBC, in the royal palace.
(also, i loved how you've made such a nice use of my backrgounds, and how cleverly you've incorporated them into your movie, with your smooth animation style, it was very clever, beautiful, and nicely done, which creates a seamless, flawless effect on the whole movie, and its a great feast for the eyes, especially if we combine all that with the next scene, which is:
the car chase scene!

as for the car chase scene, its incredible:
great drawings of the characters, nicely drawn cars, roads and motion effects, and a very smooth and charming animation in general.
the whole car chase scene was excellent, from the smooth animation of SBC changing gears in his car, to the good voice-acting sync with the japanese voices+the SBC/turdy-clock talking part of the scene, while the part where pop-tart clock and the zombie character speak about the great driving skills of SBC, and about how great is his car at drifting, all those elements made the scene even better and more complete...

i just loved how you've combined the anime-show voices/audio with the car chase scene, its super good!
furthermore, i really liked how BB10 eventually realized why SBC was out on an emergency trip to europe...
it seems, he really wanted to drive, lol!

additionally, i liked all of the funny hidden details in the movie:
from SBC's driving shoes that had the symbol of weed on them, to polyhedron climbing the mountain in the background of the car chase scene (which is a reference to poly's climbing CC game), and the words in SBC's cars license plates that said: ''LOL FORKHEADS'' and ''VOTE 5''.

what a nice movie!
it was full of fluid, smooth animation, good visuals, nicely drawn characters, tons of humour, and full of epic driving action!
excellent work, my friend.

im proud to be (a small) part of this, good stuff!
be well, keep up the good work, and have a happy clockday!

this was a cute short movie, Hyundai Clock!

as for your quest to change your name now, you can change it, but only if you will become a ''NG supporter'', which is a 3$ per month sub. (although you can opt out at any time, so its not a problem. and you will be able to easily change your username into ''OctopusClock'' via thing function.)

as for your movie, i really liked how plunger clock eventually became a better person through toyota-clock's teachings, and he eventually joined the ''car clocks'' club, by renaming himself into the (now) famous Hyundai Clock.

good movie, funny story, and a long quest to change your name and to find an old friend.
good stuff.
have a happy clockday.

this was once again, a legendary CC collab!

if this is going to prove anything, its that, when many CC artists are gathered together for a big CC collab/art project, they will most likely produce a masterpiece of a movie...
(either comedic, serious, spammy or full of action, it doesnt matter: it will always be good, and memorable, and quite impressive for every new viewer who wishes to see our works.)

but now, onwards to reviewing the movie at hand:
this legendary collab was perfectly combined, lead and organized by the great polyhedron clock, where, without his help, this project would suffer greatly.

as for the parts, i loved every single one of them:
the collab starts with slurpee-clock's cinematic intro, and for that reason alone, it was the best choice for having it as the first part of the collab.
after his cinematic intro ends, we see the comedic mastermind of slurpee at work.
he delivers the story nicely, and everything in there is wild, funny and explosive. excellent work.

then, we've had the nicely animated and funny part of phonograph clock, who is always delivering quality pieces in each project.
the story was good too!

also, thor clock's animation of a CC wildlife documentary was awesome, and i liked how clever it was as a story/script (by poly), while most puns in it were funny and cool.
(except from the ending, lol)

then, we have my castaway collab part, which was cool,and i enjoyed animating it.
clever story too, although a bit exaggerated.

so, zombie-linclock's part was a true masterpiece and ZL always makes excellent animations with highly detailed and beautiful/realistic characters, and this was obvious in his part in here.
his animation was very good, and everything worked flawlessly in the whole clip.
my only ''complaint'', would be that sockpuppet's story was too insane for me to comprehend.
other than that, it was good.

then, we have rob-clock's story, done by the talented thor-clock.
the story itself wasnt very original per se, but with thor-clock's visuals and splendid humour, it got a breath of new air. what a nice comedic remastering!
what a cool set of funny drawings+depictions in each scene! excellent work.

after that, we move to the part of ''dojo mojo''. (its my favorite part of the collab).
it has the excellent comedic story of thor-clock, animated by the very skilled artist polyhedron, and it tales us the story of 2 rival CC dojo's, and how one evil guy will spread wrath and envy between them, with a not-so-surprising outcome...
all of the story/lines and comedy in this was perfect, and poly did a great job animating it.

afterwards, we have the (very clever+funny) story of ZL, animated by the very talented renegade clock. in this movie, we have a clever twist: instead of it being drawn with an intricate, complicated art-style, its done in a minimalistic/dadaic style, and it does pay off.
a very clever and funny presentation indeed.

so, in sockpuppet's part, we see him animate the story of telephone clock, which results is a very beautiful, aesthetically pleasing and funny movie.
the TTS voices in this were great too...

after that we have rob-clock, who tried to animate my story.
despite the fact that rob failed to deliver the essence of my script correctly, his drawings were very beautiful and detailed, and his art skills in both desigh+animation are great and flawless, so, this movie turned out to be more than just ''a short straw'', as he said.
great visuals+animation, bad adaptation.

and lastly, we have me animating slurpee's excellent story.
its needless to say that slurpee can write some of the best/funniest/most detailed stories around, so it was a pleasure for me to help out by animating this extra part.

i should also mention that polyhedron, apart from organizing this MEGA-collab, he also animated all of those short, detailed+beautiful intros for each collab part.
seriously, those are some amazing intro's and i am amazed by each one of them.
flawless work, poly! you make us proud.

as for me, im extremely proud to have worked once again in such an epic CC collab, and to have helped you in any way that i could.
its an honour and a great thing for me to do, imho.

the credits part was also amazing as well, with an adorable scene of tom sleeping in front of the TV. what a cute scene!

all in all, this was a splendid collab, showing us all what the CC can do if they put their creative minds+art skills together.
long live the clockcrew, and have a happy clockday folks!

keep up the great work, you are the best.

OMG! once again, we see (yet again), another fine installment by the real thor-clock TM, god of thunder!!!1

in this episode of the series, we see the brave BB10 clock watching thor clock who is watching SBC, who's watching the Jitterbug commercial.
what a mighty mess!
who's watching BB10, who's watching thor-clock, who's watching SBC, who's watching the Jitterbug commercial?

i will tell you: we do!
(GASP! the 4th wall has been broken... damn! who will fix it now?)

all JK aside, this was a funny movie, which messed with BB10 clock's habit of talking with various clocks, analysing stuff and questioning many things, as he notices them.
an excellent parody, to say the least.

good work, my friend.
have a happy clockday!

Ushnor responds:

*heavy breathing*

another fine installment by the real thor-clock TM, god of thunder.
in this episode, we see the brave thor clock watching SBC, who's watching the Jitterbug commercial.

some might consider that thor clock is spying on SBC...
but i say no: thor-clock is just carefully watching over SBC, in order to protect him from his various enemies.

uhh yeah. thats it!
excellent movie bro, keep em coming!
happy clockday!

Ushnor responds:

Look forward the the sequel !

excellent and fresh work as always, pin!
i really liked that this time, SBC had to deal with one more ''hip''/trendy/hipster/gen-Z version of himself, which was the (in)famous strawberry-digital clock!

it was funny to see that strawberry digital to ''dab'', to brag about his fortnite achievements, and to act superior compared to poor old SBC, while he (SBC) tried to get the kids in class interested about art+animation.

also, the design aspects of ''strawberry digital'' were cool as well: from his trendy hat with a red B on it, to his ''dabs'', and the trendy new haircut, along with the more modern digital clock on his face.

i really liked SBC's plans to become more ''popular'' and more ''hip''...
your social commentary/jokes/references to fortnite, APEX, minecraft and tiktok videos were amazing, and on-point.
(i particularly loved the part where he took over the flying bus on fortnite and he kicked the driver (who is your old character, BTW!) out, while i also loved how SBC got tired by mining a single block all day+night in minecraft, and he eventually dressed up as that anime-cosplay-girl on tiktok, singing that famous meme song that we all know...
(and when he used the ''B'' blade from his ponytails as a weapon VS apple clock who interrupted him, well that was pure genius!
awesome moment. it kinda reminded me of sailor moon, for some reason.)

and the ending of the movie: it was incredible!
i liked that SBC appreciated all those people that supported him from the beginning.
and the ''crying dab'' of strawberry digital was so funny, hahahah!

great movie, amazing script, many funny jokes, good references and good voices/songs/voice acting in general.
i was proud to give you some lines for your great movie, BTW!

the credits part was great as well, (i liked my description, lol!), and it was touching that you've also dedicated this movie to the tragedy of the kyoto animation studios.

well, you always make good and interesting/funny/wild movies, so i wasnt disappointed.
this was a great ride.
keep it up, and have a happy clockday!

this was an adorable and nicely planned clockday movie!

i liked the squidgy linework used for strawberry clock and for the other characters, it made it look like a proper, old-school CC movie!
also the whole story was great: SBC going back in time, so that he can get those (now out of stock) cool old batman action figures!

and then, the final confrontation scene with batman was superb!
i liked how batman was twisting and saying ''noone can escape from batmmmmmman!'' every time, it was a brilliant scene of comedic genius.

the ending was spectacular too...
all in all, this was an awesome, funny and nicely animated clockday movie.
keep up the great work, man!
happy clockday!

DoctorGordonLMK responds:

i couldn't expect less from you stichris happy clockday to you too

this was a great movie indeed!

i liked how you've drawn strawberry clock, as he's watching that cool Jitterbug commercial on TV.
and speaking of Jitterbug, what a cool company!
i should definitely use their cellphone lines services, they sound perfect for that! ;)

all in all, this was a good clockday movie, filled with suspense, action, and Jitterbugs.
keep it up, oh thor, mighty god of thunder, and have a happy clockday! :D

Ushnor responds:

In this movie review, which is objectively the best movie review ever made, BB10Clock watches StrawberryClock watch a commercial for the Jitterbug line of cellphones and then review it.

well, hello, im chris the stick, i make random, funny movies, i draw comics, and also i voice act. AKA=BB10-clock.

Age 35, Male



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