while i DO agree with your words, and your meaning is good, i must say that Tom had to choose between his old site-principles (the problems of the future, today!) and his heart.
and today, he decided to go with his heart.
and, no matter what people might say, that he is ''ruining the site for everyone'', or that ''he sold out'', i must say:
his action about this, was much braver than it would have been to keep that game on NG.
because this game made fun of those people's suffering, and it was only made for profit, and not for intellectual use.(in short, this game doesnt teaches you something through the violence, like for example to ban guns, or to check minors for guns before they enter the school)
so, it was a useless game.
you might say then: ''what about pico? this game had violence, and still it stayed, wow, tom is unfair!''
no. he is fair, because this game(pico), didnt had any specific school massacre in mind, it had a generic massacre in its plot, and also, it had YOU (the player) being the hero, the kid that tries to save the school from the school shooters.
so, it tried to do something cool, and had some (minor) meaning, if any.
so, all in all, i respect your views and protest, but we have to understand something.
every violent game, and bloody movie on newgrounds is fun, and i LOVE most of the movies and games in here (some of my faves are in the ultra-violence sector, or in the madness series),
BUT, 1. this is tom's site, and 2. if a game, or movie gets TOO personal, and delivers no point, then it's useless.
keep up the good work, man, your posts are good.