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absolutely magnificent!

i love the contrast between the ''normal'', realistically drawn batman, (nicely coloured too!), with his suit and with the determined look on his face, and the ''darker'' batman, the one who hides in the shadows, the symbol of the city, the protector of gotham, and the criminal's worst nightmare....

its a very, VERY good drawing, showing to us, the two sides of batman: the man behind the symbol, and the symbol of gotham itself...

really nice drawing sir, keep it up!

wow, they are too beautiful/too feminine to be boys, but indeed, they are male! (woa!)
interesting alternate design of xanavi... in human form.
what are those runes on his forehead?
and whats the backstory of the human xanavi?

either way, its a beautiful drawing of the three guys, and i really like how you drew their faces, their (detailed) eyes, and their (also detailed) outfits...
especially xanavi's suit is VERY nice and with an intricate pattern on it... its very elegant! :)

great drawing as always, keep up the great work!

beautiful drawing of merinda the brave... (see what i did there?!)
i like how you drew her fluffy, wild hair, i like how you drew her piercing blue eyes, her beautiful face, the nicely drawn mouth, and i also like the details on her clothing,with the many patterns in the fabric, the necklace, the corset and the belt, while i also like her elegant pose, and i also like the pose of her hand that is holding the arrow, showing one of merinda's greatest skills; archery.

truly a beautiful and nicely drawn merinda, shown as a beautiful young woman.
great work sir, keep it up!

nice, dark drawing, with good drawings of saturn's (cronos) face, of his stature, with a good pose, and a nicely drawn body, in terms of anatomy. (a bit grotesque in the abdomen, but still awesome)

his face/his eyes look extra wicked, as he performs his unholy task...
the child's face looks strange+distorted from pain, i also like the cloudy, dark sky in the background (detailed clouds!), and i also like the staff that cronos is holding.
the only thing that strikes me as strange, is the toilet where cronos is sitting.
why adding a toilet in the pic?

all in all, this is a very good drawing, with nice poses, good linework, and a very nice tribute to the classic drawing of goya, where (according to the greek mythology) saturn/cronos ate his children, so that noone could suprass him in power/so that noone would overthrow him.
(because he heard of a prophecy that one of his sons would be alot more powerful than him, and that he would soon overthrow him.
that child was zeus, king of the gods...
zeus escaped with the help of his mother, rhea and he later teamed up with his brothers, neptune(poseidon), and hades in order to stop cronos and to overthrow the titans.)

good drawing sir, i like it alot!
keep up the good work!

absolutely stunning drawing!

the details, such as the human bodies/the anatomy/their poses/their faces+their skin texture, are amazing.
everything in this drawing is so realistic, that you could say that this is a recoloured photo, with new, more cheerful/lively colours drawn on top of it.
its that good!

i like how the young man ''nurture''(?), hugs the seemingly distant lady, which is ''ms nature''.
(i assume that the man is nurture, due to the family taking care of the child, shown in his crown, on the top of his head, while the woman has roses, and a pair of DNA double helix elements on top of her head, thus, making her ''the power of nature'', in this analogy.

their pose, and their embrace looks beautiful, and VERY natural/realistic, thus making this a beautiful picture, with a very strong message inside.

i guess, when it comes to the human nature (on our personality), its mostly nature+a (smaller) part of nurture that does the work.
i guess we have alot of things to learn, but still: people are a mystery, and they always are worth exploring.

overall, this is a GREAT, realistic+beautiful painting, and i would love to see more pics like this from you in the future... you are a very good artist, so keep up the good work!

PS: last but not least, i have to say it: the young couple's faces, vaguely remind me of ''king tommen'' and of ''queen daenerys'', from G.O.T. (a popular TV fantasy series).
its a beautiful (even if slight) resemblance, and i like it alot!

zephyo responds:

Thank you for the great message! Your assumptions on their identity are correct :)

i wont lie to you; you draw impressive/fearsome/charming dragons.

ofcourse, this dragon is torched/damaged/malnourished, and it's meant to represent the general decay that reigns in the D.S universe....
but still, i would love to see a ''strong'', well-formed, solid dragon drawn by you.(or even a dragoness)
it would be awesome!

(also, would you consider drawing a DS1 dragon? it would be great as well!)

now, once again, this is a great drawing, and i like the dragon's glowing eyes, its muscular/famished anatomy+its interesting pose, its glowing/flamy hands+body, and the excellent shading/lighting effects, along with the realistic texture and the vivid colours.

its truly an awesome drawing!

you are very good, keep up the good work!!!

themefinland responds:

Thanks mate! I do in fact probably have what you are looking for in my deviantart gallery:
I haven't uploaded everything here on newgrounds so you may find some new things there! You know, now that you mention it, I think I may just draw the dark souls 1 dragon form once again sometime soon!

wow... this is a very AWESOME, detailed, and beautiful drawing!
its so dark, and so mysterious... i like how you cleverly use nice shading/lighting effects, and that the creature is tall, impressive, and scary, with nicely drawn scales, strange horns on its head, 3 eyes (two on its face, closed, and 1 large on the top of its head, open), many fingers, and with glowing runic signs on its body.

also, despite the creature's fearsome appearance, its pose/gesture, indicate the nature of a calm, reasonable intellectuall, a wise creature that is here to teach things, to enlighten people, and not to destroy them.

hence the matching title, ''antithesis''. (the opposite(s)).
wisdom and stoicism, in one creepy package.

i like how it holds its hand in a V shape/gesture, and it thus makes the ''enlightment'' movement, in order to teach everything to the viewer/ to the narrator.

also, the story is great as well: i loved all the details, and the nice/atmospheric narrative.

overall, you did a GREAT work, please do more stuff like this, keep it up... you rock!

themefinland responds:

Thanks a lot for the very in depth comment man! It was very nice to read that, and hear your interpretations on this, which were pretty much spot on. Worry not however, as I will keep on drawing and you will most likely see stuff like this in the future :)

wow, this is VERY impressive!
great work, man!

i like that you've drawn everyone's character as a clock-pokemon-combination: so, topcatyo looks like a pikachu, flounderman looks like a fishy pokemon, phantomcat looks like a haunter, soup looks like the pokeball-shaped voltorb creature, and strawberry clock, is shaped like the onix rock-pokemon...

indeed, its impressive, VERY creative, and visually pleasing, as a result.
i wonder, what pokemon would BB10 be, if he was pokemon-combined?

nice linework, good drawings of all the characters, clever use of clocks as pokemons and of rob-clock as ash, good shading, and vivid colours.
once again, you have created a great tribute for the clockcrew, and i am really touched by your dedication to the CC.

keep up the great work, and remain awesome!
you rock!
(happy clockday!)

Luwano responds:

Flounderman is Magikarp and I considered Magnemite for BB10. I worked to slow to add another row (3 more characters) of Pokémon / Clock crossovers though. Sorry.

Thanks a lot for your review and the kind words. Happy Clock Day!

dear BREAD, thats scary as hell...

i like the details on its soulless eyes, i like the shine on its black pupils/the empty holes for a nose(or the lack of a nose), i like the (extremely) long+scary mouth with the pointy teeth, and i like the overall ''wet'', and slimy look on the monsters skin/face/claws.

it has a very nice face expression (haunting), and both the creature's pose/skin texture/shining/lighting+shading effects, its grotesque anatomy and its pose are perfect.
you've even drawn it with some (strange) white hair on its head! nice touch!

you have incredible art skills, and im impressed (and scared) by your great drawing.
ignore whoever tells you that you art ''isnt good''. IT IS GOOD.
you are one of the masters of the horror.
you should draw H.P. lovecrafts characters one day in the near future...
it would be nice.

anyways, keep up the good work!

awesome drawing!

i like the robots (final) face expression, its so disturbing and scary...
i also like the fact that this image is changing colours, between blue/red and grey... clever detail!
(is this a .GIF pic? also, how can i do that to my drawings as well?)

the robot has a cool pose, some really nicely designed arms/body/hands/circuits and a creepy face, while the gun+the words written on the robot are also nice details as well.

my only question about this, is: WHO is batty, and whats the backstory in this drawing?
oh, and the swastika means that he's an evil robot, right?

really nice drawing, you did a great job as always, sir.
your robotic drawings are spectacular.

deathink responds:

Thanks a real lot Chris.
Yeah, this is a .gif animation.
As for batty, batty is the main antagonist in "Blade Runner". He is a synth. If you haven't ever seen it, definitely do.

well, hello, im chris the stick, i make random, funny movies, i draw comics, and also i voice act. AKA=BB10-clock.

Age 35, Male



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